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14 jun 2008

Upside Down

Lately my life has been a bit wild, more than i expected. My friends have changed, my ex boyfriends had cheated on me, my mom is always upset, my dvd player is broken, my hair doesn't look neat everyday, my highschool is full of haters, my fotolog isn't working well, my bedroom is messy, my homework hasn't been done yet, my msn turned offline, my internet is slower than a fish and i am here, happy. Everything's Upside Down, AND I LOVE IT !

2 voicemails:

Anónimo dijo...

taa si primera! emm no va a ser mui inspirativo ya q se m cierran los ojos y sn las 9 y m voi a dormir! xd jaja t adoro flopa! y ta vist el video?¿ jaj bsoo

Tess dijo...

Siento igual.

me encanto tu blog.. el titulo y la foto son re lindos
te agrego a mis links en mi otro blog (por que agrego a todos ahi)
