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2 dic 2008

Technical Difficulties

Lamento haber dejado a toda la gente esperando una respuesta, foto, o whatever en MSN.

Dedicado se saturó.
Igual solo quedan días con esta tortura. Cuando menos me lo espere ya estoy disfrutando de ese rápido y eficaz (más le vale) ADSL.

(mientras tanto, encontré los beneficios de tener un internet lento. En otras palabras, de tener dedicado)

I) Gives you the ability to look in different scenes outside screen limits of the computer.

II) Gives you the time to brain storming your mind about your life and whether you are going to continue with this job or not.

III) Losing weight because of nervousness while you are keep waiting for the response of the browser.

IV) Your boss will find something to do by nagging “what has happened with this and that” “We need it ASAP”.

V) Experiencing internet browsing in slow motion (for example gmail has a different layout in slow internet connection).

VI) Gives you the chance to organize your computer files.

VII) Working in several tasks in the same time.

VIII) More time to socialise with your co-workers.

IX) Blaming the internet when you get late to deliver a task.

X) Come up with new ideas for the work while you are staring in every object around you how to improve it. Unless you don’t care ;)

Drive yourself si no entendes a word. Google está a un click de distancia. El traductor a 2.

1 voicemails:

Anónimo dijo...

pero no cabe la menor duda qe google trductor es lo mejor , ni pienso leer todo eso en ingle
